Access To Work Information
Access To Work Information
Whether you are the sort of person who likes to tackle some jobs on your own or the kind who prefers to throw it at somebody else and tell them to get on with it (I think most ADHD people know the answer to that one!) we hope to make things as simple and pain-free as possible for you.
Throw into this ATW application mixture tons of paperwork which needs replying to by certain dates, filling in forms, having to source quotes from people who have no time to give them, dealing with authority, collating information …. the whole thing sounds like an ADHD nightmare! Which is why we have some fabulous non-ADHD members of staff who handle these Access To Work applications for you. 1-2-1 support £70 per hour.
Pic ‘n’ Mix ATW Help :
Every case is different and we can never predict what the DWP are going to request but if they require any of this, we are more than happy to offer the following ~ fees on request
Planning & Submitting Your Application – 1-2-1 Support with one of our ATW Consultants ~ £70 per hr. We will support you as much as you need but as a guide, most people need a minimum of two hours and a maximum of four.
Completing ‘Support Worker Record of Tasks’ form – usually required before Admin Support is awarded
Personalised Headstuff ADHD Therapy 30 Week Work-Based Coaching plan – tailored to suit your individual work needs
Ad-Hoc Email & Telephone Support at any time during the process ~ Ask us anything! We very probably already know the answer and if we don’t, we know exactly how to find out answers for you.
Minimum Charge – Up to 15 minutes
Sourcing quotes as required. Each set of three Quotes
Business Plan (to Bank standard) AND Financial Forecast. These are only usually required if you are setting up a new business OR have been self-employed but can’t supply two years of accounts showing minimum £6,500 per annum turnover
Taxi Fare Quotes. Three Quotes
Follow-on service:
For when you have received your award but don’t have a clue how to claim it!
Advising you on how to claim your award whether that be taxis, office equipment, work aides, admin support, bookkeeping and any other assistance the DWP has offered
We can help you recruit staff. We can help you source Virtual Assistants, Admin Support, Work Aides and Bookkeepers either virtually or in your local area. We take all the hard work out of it for you. We help you decide exactly what you need, then we advertise the position on your behalf, source and review CV applications, conduct initial interviews and present you with as many thoroughly assessed suitable candidates as you would like to meet. The charge is 10% of the first years gross annual salary/income.
Whether you are the sort of person who likes to tackle some jobs on your own or the kind who prefers to throw it at somebody else and tell them to get on with it (I think most ADHD people know the answer to that one!) we hope to make things as simple and pain-free as possible for you. 1-2-1 support £70 per hour.
Throw into this ATW application mixture tons of paperwork which needs replying to by certain dates, filling in forms, having to source quotes from people who have no time to give them, dealing with authority, collating information …. the whole thing sounds like an ADHD nightmare! Which is why we have some fabulous non-ADHD members of staff who handle these Access To Work applications for you.
Pic ‘n’ Mix ATW Help :
Every case is different and we can never predict what the DWP are going to request but if they require any of this, we are more than happy to offer the following ~ fees on request
Planning & Submitting Your Application – 1-2-1 Support with one of our ATW Consultants ~ £70 per hr We will support you as much as you need but as a guide, most people need a minimum of two hours and a maximum of four.
Completing ‘Support Worker Record of Tasks’ form – usually required before Admin Support is awarded
Sourcing quotes as required. Each set of three Quotes
Personalised Headstuff ADHD Therapy 30 Week Work-Based Coaching plan – tailored to suit your individual work needs
Business Plan (to Bank standard) AND Financial Forecast. These are only usually required if you are setting up a new business OR have been self-employed but can’t supply two years of accounts showing minimum £6,500 per annum turnover
Taxi Fare Quotes. Three Quotes
Ad-Hoc Email & Telephone Support at any time during the process ~ Ask us anything! We very probably already know the answer and if we don’t, we know exactly how to find out answers for you.
Minimum Charge – Up to 15 minutes
Follow-on service:
For when you have received your award but don’t have a clue how to claim it!
Advising you on how to claim your award whether that be taxis, office equipment, work aides, admin support, bookkeeping and any other assistance the DWP has offered
We can help you recruit staff. We can help you source Virtual Assistants, Admin Support, Work Aides and Bookkeepers either virtually or in your local area. We take all the hard work out of it for you. We help you decide exactly what you need, then we advertise the position on your behalf, source and review CV applications, conduct initial interviews and present you with as many thoroughly assessed suitable candidates as you would like to meet. The charge is 10% of the first years gross annual salary/income.