'How NOT to Murder Your ADHD Kid - Instead Learn to be Your Child's Own ADHD Coach!'
'How NOT to Murder Your ADHD Kid - Instead Learn to be Your Child's Own ADHD Coach!'
Desperate for help with your ADHD children?
Tearing your hair out trying to understand why they don’t react or behave like other kids?
Wanting to do the right thing – but not a clue what that is?
Help is at hand! Sarah Templeton, a therapist with ADHD herself, has written this book after working with 100’s of ADHD parents from all over the UK, who have told her “if only I’d known all this stuff while they were growing up”.
Well now all this information is in one place – in an easy-to-read format. Skip straight to whatever issue you’re struggling with right now. Space to make notes of what works and what doesn’t (handy for when Granny’s babysitting or they go to Dad’s for the weekend) and real-life examples of what worked, what didn’t, and why.

Desperate for help with your ADHD children?
Tearing your hair out trying to understand why they don’t react or behave like other kids?
Wanting to do the right thing – but not a clue what that is?

Help is at hand! Sarah Templeton, a therapist with ADHD herself, has written this book after working with 100’s of ADHD parents from all over the UK, who have told her “if only I’d known all this stuff while they were growing up”.

Well now all this information is in one place – in an easy-to-read format. Skip straight to whatever issue you’re struggling with right now. Space to make notes of what works and what doesn’t (handy for when Granny’s babysitting or they go to Dad’s for the weekend) and real-life examples of what worked, what didn’t, and why.
Available to order now!

Recommended by ADHD psychiatrists, ADHD paediatricians, SEN teachers, ADHD parents and ADHD teenage clients

For anyone coming into contact with ADHD kids including mums, dads, brothers, sisters, nans, grandads, uncles and aunties and professionals

Find out where your Child’s ADHD came from

Find out about the three different kinds of ADHD

Discover the 30+ ADHD traits nobody ever told you about

Learn how to best handle 30+ situations you may well find yourself in with your ADHD child

Help decide whether an ADHD Coach, Counsellor or CBT therapist is best for your child

Read real life examples where therapeutic strategies and different ways of doing things have turned ADHD houses of horror into oasis of calm and serenity

Ensure your child is successful in life and doesn’t end up an addict, homeless or in prison

Recommended by ADHD psychiatrists, ADHD paediatricians, SEN teachers, ADHD parents and ADHD teenage clients

For anyone coming into contact with ADHD kids including mums, dads, brothers, sisters, nans, grandads, uncles and aunties and professionals

Find out where your Child’s ADHD came from

Find out about the three different kinds of ADHD

Discover the 30+ ADHD traits nobody ever told you about

Learn how to best handle 30+ situations you may well find yourself in with your ADHD child

Help decide whether an ADHD Coach, Counsellor or CBT therapist is best for your child

Read real life examples where therapeutic strategies and different ways of doing things have turned ADHD houses of horror into oasis of calm and serenity
Just brilliant – for me (ADHD, and Occupational therapist) and my probably ADHD kid
I listened to this on Audible and loved it – Sarah’s clear, straight talking style and ability to cut through to exactly what you need to know is excellent. I now will be buying the hard copy too as it’s such a good repository to dip into for guidance as things arise.
I’d brought it to help me with my son but actually found it vey enlightening and reassuring for me. I’m newly diagnosed and found this book just cemented things for me.
What I love about it:
Sarah clearly is an expert in her field – both with lived experience and through training and study and crucially, practice and with loads of ADHD folk and families. It’s a powerful combination.
Sarah gives the issue/ADHD trait, how it’s caused / why it happens and then gives useful solutions / ideas to support. Fab! And very logical!
It’s really pushing a respectful approach – an approach that validates and supports rather than berates / humiliates.
It fits with my gentle parenting approach apart from the reward system idea but that in itself has encouraged me to think and challenge my existing parenting beliefs – actually if my little one has ADHD then he may struggle with intrinsic motivation (as pushed by gentle parenting) and might well need more extrinsic support, eg rewards. I know I do far better chasing a reward / goal in life, and I can set my own but little dude doesn’t have those skills yet.
Thank you Sarah, wholeheartedly. A brilliant book and I look forward to your next books 🙂
Your book Sarah is revelationary and I have already bought 4 and recommended it in 6 other directions. It is amazingly helpful, engaging to read and is going to impact so many, many lives.
I just cried reading the references at the beginning of the book! Am in bits!!
We have just been given a prescription for my daughter, so the chapter on medication was so helpful.
This book is awesome and am recommending it to all the parents with ADHD kids.
I am still reading it and learning such a lot, it is so helpful.
Understanding ADHD has brought enormous peace to me as a mum and wife to an ADHD adult & two kids.
In recent months, my 9 year old son has been experiencing increased anxiety, emotional outbursts, over-reaction and complaining that he finds school boring and keeps getting told off by his teacher.
The GP suggested we find him a therapist and I found a local one. From the first session, she commented “she’d be happy to still see him but that she didn’t think she was right for him and that ADHD is something we should consider looking at”
At the same time, my husband who has been living with high-functioning anxiety (unbeknown to me) which in recent years has been getting worse, started to see the same therapist. She also mentioned ADHD to him. This was building to a perfect storm!
As an avid listener of audio books I happened to discover via my searches, the book ‘HOW NOT TO MURDER YOUR ADHD KID – INSTEAD LEARN TO BE YOUR CHILD’S OWN ADHD COACH‘.
I almost listened to the book in one sitting! It was truly profound as it described exactly another of my children! I have to say I did cry because, whilst it was a long series of lightbulb moments, I felt so guilty that my child had struggled through secondary school, that I had saddled him with a very flaky counsellor who really didn’t get him, and angry also that a school, who had picked up on his short-term memory problems, had never once suggested ADHD.
It is from this book, which I have listened to numerous times now, recommended to EVERYONE, including my 9 year old’s school, I found ‘Headstuff ADHD Therapy‘. I can say honestly, as a family, our experience with them has been life changing.
My husband is now diagnosed, starting medication and has Greg as his Coach, who he describes as “one of the most decent human beings he has ever met”.
My 9 year old has gone through an ADHD/ASD Pre- assessment with Kelly, which highlighted other possible neuro-diversities we’d not considered. We will soon be going to see a Paediatrician to get the formal diagnosis and hopefully start medication to help calm that overly busy but clever brain of his!
The pre-assessment with Kelly was very insightful and continued to trigger more light bulb moments. Kelly handled my son brilliantly, negotiating with him for his time and attention to get the information she needed. You can see why the Headstuff team having ADHD themselves is so important. The report back was detailed but easy to read and the school very appreciative of it. My son now knows he has this superpower, which he’s OK with although would prefer teleporting as his superpower!
My husband feels liberated and a lot calmer and happier. As for me, I am relieved and thrilled to have all this information, and empowered to help my perfect little family be the best versions of themselves.
Teachers! How Not to Kill the Spirit in Your ADHD Kids
Teachers! How Not to Kill the Spirit in Your ADHD Kids
Sarah’s first book, How Not to Murder Your ADHD Kid – Instead, Learn How to be Your Child’s Own ADHD Coach, resonated with mums and dads who, desperate for teachers to understand their children’s ADHD brains, started thrusting copies at them! Those same parents encouraged Sarah to write this book for teaching professionals.
Sarah understands only too well how big a part teachers and schools play in helping children get the best start in life. She spent eleven years in the English education system, yet nobody identified her moderate-to-severe ADHD, severe dyspraxia, dyscalculia or sensory processing disorder, meaning she failed her 12+ ‘spectacularly’!
Sarah is now passionate about helping teachers identify and work with these conditions in the classroom. Children who are not diagnosed and treated for their neurodiverse conditions often have a dismal time at school: they know they feel different and don’t fit in, but they don’t understand why. This can lead them to experiment with drugs or alcohol and fall so easily into a life of addiction, unemployment, homelessness or crime.
Working with ADHD children and adolescents for ten years in private practice, Sarah has seen first-hand the road from ‘stroppy kid’ via ‘naughty teen’ to ‘young offender’ and is committed to helping teachers understand their ADHD students before things get out of hand.
In this book, Sarah shares her insider knowledge of how ADHD kids’ brains really work. She will help you understand their thoughts, actions and behaviours and give you the very best ways of managing ADHD in the classroom, ensuring these kids go on to be the leaders and winners they were born to be.

How Not To Damage your ADHD Adolescent – Instead Coach them Through their Turbulent Teens to Win at Life!
How Not To Damage your ADHD Adolescent – Instead Coach them Through their Turbulent Teens to Win at Life!
Having worked in four prisons and YOI’s as a Counsellor – Sarah found a scandalous amount of mostly undiagnosed-ADHD adolescents and young adults in there so she’s written this latest book to help parents keep ADHD teenagers on the right path.
And as far away from the criminal justice system as she can keep them.
Sarah has counselled hundreds of ADHD teenagers, all of whom she bonded with instantly. Both on the inside and outside in private practice.
She only found out why she gelled with them instantly when she was diagnosed with ADHD herself, and realised they all had the same brain and ways of thinking – so she instantly ‘got’ them.
What Sarah wants more than anything in this book is to help you understand your own ADHD teenager’s brain. How it works, how it thinks, how it’s different to other peoples’ brains and how to ensure your ADHD adolescent gets the very best start in life.
Her goal is to help YOU to understand them so THEY have a hassle-free puberty and you don’t have a breakdown trying to make that happen!!!!!
If you don’t understand an ADHD brain, it’s very easy to damage a teenager’s self-esteem and feelings of self-worth. And as ADHD people have a five times higher risk of suicide – it is this damage she desperately wants to limit.
Sarah will explain in detail the ADHD traits an ADHD teen is dealing with and take you through all the situations you are likely to find yourself in and explain how best to manage them.