If You Think Your Child Might Have ADHD
If you have found this page you’re possibly already at the end of your tether! Well hang on tight. We can help! In a lot of ways.

If You Think Your Child Might Have ADHD
If you have found this page you’re possibly already at the end of your tether! Well hang on tight. We can help! In a lot of ways.

If you strongly suspect your child may have ADHD but are struggling to get taken seriously by their school, CAMHS, GPs – we can help.
We offer a pre-diagnosis assessment service where we will assess your child for ADHD and possible coexisting conditions. We will then prepare a detailed report and referral letters to hasten your journey through the NHS. Or, if you prefer, we refer you straight to a private ADHD specialist child psychiatrist who will normally be able to see your child within a few months. Definitely not years which is how long you can sometimes be waiting on the very overstretched NHS.
We have close relationships and will only work with psychiatrists and paediatricians who specialise in ADHD. So unlike general psychiatrists who so often don’t understand the condition, and all too quickly fob you off with diagnosis of ‘generalised anxiety’ or ‘global development delay’ these ADHD professionals will always get it right. Older teens are consistently being misdiagnosed with what used to be called borderline personality disorder/BPD and is now called emotionally unstable personality disorder/EUPD. We understand the difference between these conditions and ADHD as do the psychiatrists we work with.
If your child has already been seen by CAMHS and been given a diagnosis that you don’t agree with, please do still contact us. We have worked with parents all over the country helping them overturn incorrect diagnosis. You know your child better than anybody else. If you are seeing signs of ADHD then you are probably right. But sometimes it’s a battle getting the professionals to believe you. This is where we step in.
Once we have the diagnosis confirmed we offer ongoing support which can help in all sorts of ways:
- Working with you and any other adult members of the family, so you fully understand how your ADHD child’s brain works and can learn how to avoid the tantrums and meltdowns and get the very best out of them
- Working with your child to help them understand their ADHD. We are very firmly in the camp that having ADHD is a positive and means you have more drive and commitment to achieve what you want in life. That’s not to say it doesn’t come with some issues, sometimes a lot of issues, but we will always present these to your child in a very positive way
- Working with siblings to help them understand the ADHD in the family and how they can interact best with their newly diagnosed brother or sister
- Working with families to help them understand what ADHD actually is, all the hundreds of little traits that make up an ADHD person and how to best achieve family harmony

Our therapists are all diagnosed ADHD themselves. This will mean a lot to your child. If they have been seen by therapists before who haven’t understood ADHD and are outrightly refusing to see any counsellor or therapist ever again. We suggest you offer them a 30-minute Taster Session with one of our ADHD Therapists.
We really do understand ADHD here so if it takes a bowl of chocolate ice cream or a few Jammie dodger biscuits to get your child through the door, so be it! And they won’t find any stuffy counsellors in blouses, twinsets and pearls. Our counsellors are down-to-earth, normal and chatty. And you’re far more likely to find us in jeans and T-shirts – especially when working with kids.
But when we get them through the door we guarantee our therapists are not like anybody they will have seen before and we have yet to find an ADHD child or teen who doesn’t feel at home and understood straightaway.
Hear More About Our Child Pre-Assessments And Why They Are So Thorough
If you strongly suspect your child may have ADHD but are struggling to get taken seriously by their school, CAMHS, GPs – we can help.
We offer a pre-diagnosis assessment service where we will assess your child for ADHD and possible coexisting conditions. We will then prepare a detailed report and referral letters to hasten your journey through the NHS. Or, if you prefer, we refer you straight to a private ADHD specialist child psychiatrist who will normally be able to see your child within a few months. Definitely not years which is how long you can sometimes be waiting on the very overstretched NHS.
We have close relationships and will only work with psychiatrists and paediatricians who specialise in ADHD. So unlike general psychiatrists who so often don’t understand the condition, and all too quickly fob you off with diagnosis of ‘generalised anxiety’ or ‘global development delay’ these ADHD professionals will always get it right. Older teens are consistently being misdiagnosed with what used to be called borderline personality disorder/BPD and is now called emotionally unstable personality disorder/EUPD. We understand the difference between these conditions and ADHD as do the psychiatrists we work with.
If your child has already been seen by CAMHS and been given a diagnosis that you don’t agree with, please do still contact us. We have worked with parents all over the country helping them overturn incorrect diagnosis. You know your child better than anybody else. If you are seeing signs of ADHD then you are probably right. But sometimes it’s a battle getting the professionals to believe you. This is where we step in.
We completely understand the sensitivity of the situation. You and your child will be in very safe, dependable hands with us as we go through the diagnostic process. We’ve worked with children as young as five right through to late teens.

Once we have the diagnosis confirmed we offer ongoing support which can help in all sorts of ways:
- Working with you and any other adult members of the family, so you fully understand how your ADHD child’s brain works and can learn how to avoid the tantrums and meltdowns and get the very best out of them.
- Working with your child to help them understand their ADHD. We are very firmly in the camp that having ADHD is a positive and means you have more drive and commitment to achieve what you want in life. That’s not to say it doesn’t come with some issues, sometimes a lot of issues, but we will always present these to your child in a very positive way.
- Working with siblings to help them understand the ADHD in the family and how they can interact best with their newly diagnosed brother or sister.
- Working with families to help them understand what ADHD actually is, all the hundreds of little traits that make up an ADHD person and how to best achieve family harmony.
Our therapists are all diagnosed ADHD themselves. This will mean a lot to your child. If they have been seen by therapists before who haven’t understood ADHD and are outrightly refusing to see any counsellor or therapist ever again. We suggest you offer them a 30-minute Taster Session with one of our ADHD Therapists.
We really do understand ADHD here so if it takes a bowl of chocolate ice cream or a few Jammie dodger biscuits to get your child through the door, so be it! And they won’t find any stuffy counsellors in blouses, twinsets and pearls. Our counsellors are down-to-earth, normal and chatty. And you’re far more likely to find us in jeans and T-shirts – especially when working with kids.
But when we get them through the door we guarantee our therapists are not like anybody they will have seen before and we have yet to find an ADHD child or teen who doesn’t feel at home and understood straightaway.
Hear More About Our Child Pre-Assessments And Why They Are So Thorough
Child Pre-Assessments
Pre-assessment with at least one parent, your child aged 5 to 17 and ideally one other adult who knows your child well. We recommend step-parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles or even a family friend who has known your child since birth. Where parents are separated and both have parental responsibility, we will need written confirmation from the second parent that they are happy for this pre-assessment to go ahead.
- A thorough 2-hour investigative session to identify your Child’s ADHD & Comorbidity traits.
- Professional report and referral to NHS or private Paediatrician as required.
- Pre-Assessment & Report – £595
Child Pre-Assessments
- Pre-assessment with at least one parent, your child aged 5 to 17 and ideally one other adult who knows your child well. We recommend step-parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles or even a family friend who has known your child since birth. Where parents are separated and both have parental responsibility, we will need written confirmation from the second parent that they are happy for this pre-assessment to go ahead.
- A thorough 2-hour investigative session to identify your Child’s ADHD & Comorbidity traits.
- Professional report and referral to NHS or private Paediatrician as required.
- Pre-Assessment & Report – £595
Understanding ADHD has brought enormous peace to me as a mum and wife to an ADHD adult & two kids.
In recent months, my 9 year old son has been experiencing increased anxiety, emotional outbursts, over-reaction and complaining that he finds school boring and keeps getting told off by his teacher.
The GP suggested we find him a therapist and I found a local one. From the first session, she commented “she’d be happy to still see him but that she didn’t think she was right for him and that ADHD is something we should consider looking at”.
At the same time, my husband who has been living with high-functioning anxiety (unbeknown to me) which in recent years has been getting worse, started to see the same therapist. She also mentioned ADHD to him. This was building to a perfect storm!
As an avid listener of audio books I happened to discover via my searches, the book ‘HOW NOT TO MURDER YOUR ADHD KID – INSTEAD LEARN TO BE YOUR CHILD’S OWN ADHD COACH‘.
I almost listened to the book in one sitting! It was truly profound as it described exactly another of my children! I have to say I did cry because, whilst it was a long series of lightbulb moments, I felt so guilty that my child had struggled through secondary school, that I had saddled him with a very flaky counsellor who really didn’t get him, and angry also that a school, who had picked up on his short-term memory problems, had never once suggested ADHD.
It is from this book, which I have listened to numerous times now, recommended to EVERYONE, including my 9 year old’s school, I found ‘Headstuff ADHD Therapy‘. I can say honestly, as a family, our experience with them has been life changing.
My husband is now diagnosed, starting medication and has Greg as his Coach, who he describes as “one of the most decent human beings he has ever met”.
My 9 year old has gone through an ADHD/ASD Pre- assessment with Kelly, which highlighted other possible neuro-diversities we’d not considered. We will soon be going to see a Paediatrician to get the formal diagnosis and hopefully start medication to help calm that overly busy but clever brain of his!
The pre-assessment with Kelly was very insightful and continued to trigger more light bulb moments. Kelly handled my son brilliantly, negotiating with him for his time and attention to get the information she needed. You can see why the Headstuff team having ADHD themselves is so important. The report back was detailed but easy to read and the school very appreciative of it. My son now knows he has this superpower, which he’s OK with although would prefer teleporting as his superpower!
My husband feels liberated and a lot calmer and happier. As for me, I am relieved and thrilled to have all this information, and empowered to help my perfect little family be the best versions of themselves.
I want you to know how great yesterday was for Lucy. You worked so nicely with her, and she opened up to you. I haven’t seen her open up like that with anyone else! I asked her what she thought of the appointment, and she replied, “Sarah is cool.”
Lucy felt understood by you, and she left feeling optimistic about her future diagnosis of ADHD
I look forward to reading your book and moving forward, knowing that I can support Lucy all the way. Many thanks
It was fantastic to meet you with our teenage daughter You’re the first person she has actually engaged with and felt she was being listened to; it’s been quite an incredible few days since seeing you. I can’t explain how relieved we are all feeling.
We’re keen for her to start meds as it’ll be a game changer for her I believe. She has taken so well to meeting and speaking to you, it’s must be incredible for her to know she’s understood finally and being listened to. We’d like our 16 year old to be assessed too please? Listening to you talk made us realise she probably has this condition too.
My sister (Deputy Head at a school) has ordered and read your book – she found it amazing, an eye opener and a game changer. She’s going to talk to her Head and Staff at school about ordering and reading your book. She can spot the boys with ADHD coming into Year 1 but the girls are much harder with their ADHD. My sister is an amazing primary school teacher, she’s so passionate about learning and helping, supporting all her pupils.
My parents (83 & 82) are now ordering your book too. It’ll certainly help them to understand what our girls have been living with as they don’t get it !!
Thanks again Sarah for your time, help and support. You’re the first person who’s listened to us, to our daughter and helped us understand what we’re all living with. As a Mum I can’t tell you how helpful & emotional it has been since meeting you.
Kelly provided us with an outstanding service. She was efficient, providing a quick but fair turnaround to respond to me and I felt completely comfortable and assured by her.
Kelly spent two and a half hours assessing my daughter and during that time she very quickly identified her anxieties. Through her kindness and ability to appreciate my daughter’s difficulties, she enabled my daughter to unmask herself enough to be assessed.
Unmasking was something that was crucial to us in order to obtain a fuller profile of my daughter, as the school had not really ‘seen it’ and my daughter was withdrawing more and more from school. Leaving us all feeling unsupported.
We saw the Neurodiversity Nurse recently and she specifically commented upon the details set out in Kelly’s report – that this evidence was in her opinion going to significantly support our referral, which was exactly what we hoped and needed to achieve.
At school, though in its early stages, certain educational and psychological referrals have now been made because of Kelly’s report and my daughter’s support teachers have started to be more collaborative in their approach towards me her mum, which is making a difference.
These were all of the things I needed for my daughter, to provide her with the right support she needs to thrive and to protect her mental health and well-being.
I would highly recommend Kelly’s services to anyone. She is extremely dedicated and professional in her role and made us feel understood at all times.
I am sitting here with a prescription! We have come a long way since your pre-assessment.
You were right – with no uncertainty at all, Scott has ADHD and the assessments from school and me indicated he may have HF autism (which probably surprised me a little).
I want to thank you for guiding us, and for the fab pre assessment that was completed. Dr Sawhney came through for us, so I’m sitting here just relieved that I haven’t been going mad all these years. Many thanks.
We could not be more relieved and grateful to have Greg in our son’s life.
Pre-diagnosis we were certain our then 12 year old had ADHD but like so many families we were waiting and waiting for assessment.
During those months, Greg helped our son understand what ADHD was and how his ways of thinking and behaving came not from a place of ‘naughtiness’ but from how his brain is wired.
He helped him see ADHD as a positive, as a condition with so many brilliant traits, and as something that’s just who he is, not a deficit.
This meant that by the time my son got a diagnosis, he was so at peace with the label – he pretty much shrugged it off and got on with his day!
Our son finds new people and situations very stressful but the relationship Greg very quickly established meant our son had almost instant trust and respect. He goes above and beyond to keep our son at the centre of everything, and at the same time to support us as his parents.
Putting our child in touch with Greg has given him a role model and mentor who completely understands him – there can’t be much more valuable than that for a young teenager with a new ADHD diagnosis. We can’t thank Greg enough and would recommend him to any family in a similar position to us.
We had completed Connors ADHD questionnaires earlier in 2021 however his school scored him low, in contrast to our own scores which were high.
Our Community Paediatrician was therefore unable to diagnose him with ADHD. He really began to struggle in Year 10 with the greater complexity of the work & the amount of homework that was expected and had started to miss a lot of school owing to anxiety.
Kelly from Headstuff conducted a 2 hour pre-assessment and produced a very comprehensive report which was sent to school and used as a referral to a consultant paediatrician they work closely with.
Kelly was lovely and immediately put my son at ease at the assessment which was conducted over Zoom. She explained that she herself has ADHD. He was so relaxed that all his ADHD traits came out – mimicking me, rolling his eyes at me, annoying the dog, spinning & wheeling himself up and down on the office chair and eating 4 packets of crisps! He said afterwards that he “felt heard and understood”.
The report covered topics such as inattention, disorganization, procrastination, time blindness, overthinking, impulsivity, fidgeting, hyperactivity, losing things, not following instructions, emotional issues, anxiety and sensory issues. The conclusion was that my son was showing several traits of ADHD and should be seen by a paediatrician for assessment ASAP. It also listed several accommodations that should be adopted by the school.
I am convinced that the Headstuff pre-assessment report made a big difference as the Connors & Vanderbilt questionnaires returned by school now showed far greater evidence of ADHD traits.
My son received his ADHD diagnosis last Thursday which was just 2 months from the pre-assessment and I am over the moon. We will now be able to get him an EHCP and the help that he deserves. Our GP was able to take over shared care for the ADHD medication so my son is getting this on the NHS and has just started taking it.
Kelly is very knowledgeable about ADHD and related conditions and is very empathic and understanding about the difficulties kids have. Kelly has an excellent manner and immediately put my daughter at ease. Kelly allowed her to express herself freely, but also ensured that all of the key issues were addressed. My daughter and I both found the session very informative and helpful.
My 8 year old son was finding it very hard to concentrate and focus at school. We had also noticed this at home during daily activities.
We decided we wanted him to have a pre-assessment and a friend had suggested Headstuff. We paid for the assessment online and promptly received an email and arranged a Zoom meeting for the following week.
Kelly was great and made us all feel at ease instantly. My son engaged really well when answering the questions and it was all very informal, more like a chat with a friendly face.
Kelly is very knowledgeable and was able to link us up with a very good paediatrician. The detailed report was written up and sent across to us within a few days.
We are now on to the next stage of diagnosis and meetings with the school. I believe the pre-assessment has helped enormously in making the process easier and move along a lot quicker.
I would definitely recommend Kelly and the team at Headstuff to anyone thinking of having their child pre-assessed for ADHD or any of the comorbidities.
Thank you for this pre-assessment report. You have really captured the essence of Lucy’s difficulties. It is incredible the difference it makes talking to people who actually understand and know about the challenges neurodiverse people face daily.
You are an excellent advocate and I’m so happy we met you! Lucy enjoyed talking to you and she rarely talks to anyone.
We don’t often tell people how good they are at what they do, we too often make complaints. This is definitely one of the instances when someone has not only done their job but done it to a very high standard – I can’t thank you enough and this is only the beginning.
Your report will certainly open up lots of avenues to be explored with Lucy and begins the road to understanding and accepting herself and finding happiness.
Kelly – I just wanted to thank you for today. After our session finished, my husband and I cried!
I have been saying my eldest has ADHD and ODD for over 13 years! I have studied childcare and worked with children for over 20 years. I’ve had schools, health professionals and numerous agencies tell me they’re just ‘naughty boys’ and it’s my parenting skills and my lack of consistency.
They’ve made me attend numerous parenting courses over and over again. They made me doubt myself and almost give up trying to parent my boys because I felt I was constantly failing them and that nothing I did was right.
My eldest’s mental health has suffered so badly that he’s self harming and even Young Minds Matter won’t help him.
It’s cost us our mental health and nearly cost us our marriage. I can’t thank you enough for lifting such a huge weight off my shoulders.
I’m not sure where we go from here. I think I will probably get the eldest assessed as well so he has peace of mind transitioning into college in September.
But honestly THANK YOU. I can now start to re build my own confidence and help the boys with theirs and hopefully help them understand themselves a bit more. And help my husband understand the whole situation. We are truly grateful.
Thank you for the report, I’m hopeful that this will be useful to our daughter’s teachers in terms of highlighting some of the more subtle difficulties she is having.
I wanted to thank you again for how lovely you were with her in the assessment. She was quite anxious about it beforehand but you had such a lovely calming manner, and your humour and ability to make it feel like a friendly chat was really fantastic 🙂
Sonya was excellent at putting both me and my daughter at ease.
She engaged brilliantly with my daughter, whilst remaining professional and focused on the ADHD pre-assessment.
She was thorough, patient and friendly. We couldn’t have asked for a better experience.
I got in touch with Sarah Templeton regarding our 6 year old daughter who had been for triaged out of the NHS pathway because she wasn’t exhibiting enough traits in the school setting despite being a completely different child at home and struggling (the usual story for girls). Sarah conducted a pre-assessment and indicated SPD, traits of Autism and ADHD.
Following a formal complaint to the NHS provider and submission of Sarah’s pre-assessment document, our daughter’s ADHD referral was finally accepted and she is awaiting assessment and we are positive it will result in diagnosis.
Sarah was also able to signpost us to Kelly, Head of Headstuff’s Pre Assessment service, in relation to our eldest daughter who is 12. Our daughter struggles to talk to people she doesn’t know and was really reluctant to speak about ADHD or any of her feelings.
On the day of the pre-assessment Kelly made her feel comfortable and spoke about her own lived experiences which we found really beneficial and our daughter responded well to. She explained exactly what she would be doing to ensure she understood the process.
Our daughter coloured a picture throughout the assessment and her creativity was acknowledged by Kelly. At one stage our daughter left the room crying because she clearly felt embarrassed about some of the topics discussed. Kelly was really accommodating and reassured her she didn’t have to be present or if she was – she could be off screen.
After a hug she continued with the assessment and finally felt comfortable enough to resume on screen.
Kelly provided our daughter with validation for how she feels and thinks in relation to some of her behaviours. She was incredibly knowledgeable around not only ADHD but a whole range of neurodivergent conditions such as autism, dyspraxia, dysgraphia and dyslexia.
She was also very knowledgeable as to how her secondary school could and should help support her in school and the adjustments we could ask to be considered.
Kelly’s communication was fantastic and the final report was thorough with advice on what steps to take next. She also provided information on a number of options for assessment such as a private pathway or via the Right to Choose.
Due to our daughter’s struggles and hormones playing a part we made the decision to pay privately for a quicker assessment. As a result our daughter received her diagnosis of Inattentive ADHD yesterday. This was 8 weeks from our appointment with Kelly. In reflection we could’ve waited and saved ourselves the cost but there was no guarantee due to changing criteria for ‘Right to Choose’ that she’d get seen.
As our 6 year old has a little time to go before hormones start to impact her further, we have followed Kelly’s advice and been successful in getting her onto the Right to Choose pathway and she should be seen within 7 months as opposed to the 2-5 year current NHS waiting list in our area.
We are incredibly grateful to Sarah and Kelly for their help and cannot recommend them enough.
Thank you
Just to let you know, Kelly was amazing. She was patient, kind and very helpful. Many thanks.
Books on how to parent and teach ADHD kids and how to better understand them available NOW !!!
Sarah Templeton, Headstuff’s MD has written three books – one to help parents understand their ADHD children’s brains, one to help teachers understand their ADHD students better and one to help parents understand their ADHD teenager’s brain.
All are available now on Amazon, EBay and can be ordered in bookshops. Available as paperback, Kindle and Audiobook.
Books on how to parent and teach ADHD kids and how to better understand them available NOW !!!
Sarah Templeton, Headstuff’s MD has written three books – one to help parents understand their ADHD children’s brains, one to help teachers understand their ADHD students better and one to help parents understand their ADHD teenager’s brain.
All are available now on Amazon, EBay and can be ordered in bookshops. Available as paperback, Kindle and Audiobook.