Harriet sees clients online

Harriet started her counselling journey in 2018 and is trained as a pluralistic counsellor working with an integrative model.  This means that every client and their needs are viewed as unique and can change over time, so Harriet will be able to combine both creative and contemporary approaches to counselling to suit each client throughout their journey.

Harriet had been interested working in a therapeutic role for most of her life.  Her background is in working within childcare and early years education, where her undiagnosed ADHD traits blended in well with the structure, routines and energy of the children she worked with. 

She also grew up caring for and riding horses, which she later noticed had given her remarkable assistance in managing her ADHD symptoms as a child, such as sensory input, improved impulse/energy control and emotional regulation, and believes that this played a big part in her ADHD being undetected for so long.
Harriet is passionate about education and awareness surrounding ADHD and its co-existing conditions.  She has relational empathy and first-hand understanding based on her own experiences of staying undiagnosed until her early 20’s. 

It wasn’t until she had lost 7 different notebooks for 4 modules, constantly interrupted important silences or could never sit still (or on a chair!) that left her questioning if she was capable of doing her degree.  Harriet addressed these issues with her course tutor who listened to her concerns, recognised her symptoms, and said something about it!
Her previous tactics of overspending money, alcohol use and waiting for the last-minute adrenaline rush of deadlines to manage her symptoms, as well as sensory processing difficulties and difficulty communicating her needs, were finally acknowledged and understood for what they were.  Everything finally made sense to her – ADHD was the last piece of the puzzle!

Harriet then sought out an ADHD therapist to help her navigate and understand her own neurodiversity.  What followed was a lengthy and complex assessment journey eventually arriving at a diagnosis of ADHD Combined type.  Having gained a sense of empowerment and clarity, Harriet became eager to help others in similar situations.

Since her diagnosis, she has supported many individuals, including parents and students, who are considering or going through ADHD diagnosis whilst navigating education and the workplace. 

She also loves working with siblings of ADHD children and/or adults and helping them to better understand their neurodiverse brother or sister and improve their relationships.  Most recently, her interest in how ADHD can influence bereavement has also grown massively, once she noticed she responded very differently to those around her when it came to grief. 

Harriet has also delivered training about the experience of studying with ADHD to her University’s Academic and Disability teams.  She has since presented a short booklet on ADHD: Disability Awareness and Workplace Accommodations to a large company with thousands of recipients and has also been instrumental in starting a section for ‘Understanding ADHD’ for her University’s self-help section.



  • BA (Hons) Counselling & Therapeutic Practice (Level 6) – First Class Honours Awarded 2022
  • Childcare & Early Years Level 3 2019


Modules Studied & Passed

  • Working Creatively
  • Counselling Children and Young People (3 years)
  • Academic Skills for Practice – Focused Learning
  • Working Therapeutically with Older Adults
  • Integrative Practice (2 years)
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Online Counselling (video, telephone and email)



  • Understanding ADHD: Current Research & Practice – Kings College London
  • Creative Approaches to Therapeutic Communication
  • Therapy for Trauma-Related Guilt
  • Working Safely with your Client’s’ Inner Child
  • Is there a Hierarchy in Grief?
  • Introduction to Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy
  • Student Course Representative Training and Team Leadership




Harriet sees clients online

Harriet started her counselling journey in 2018 and is trained as a pluralistic counsellor working with an integrative model.  This means that every client and their needs are viewed as unique and can change over time, so Harriet will be able to combine both creative and contemporary approaches to counselling to suit each client throughout their journey.

Harriet had been interested working in a therapeutic role for most of her life.  Her background is in working within childcare and early years education, where her undiagnosed ADHD traits blended in well with the structure, routines and energy of the children she worked with. 

She also grew up caring for and riding horses, which she later noticed had given her remarkable assistance in managing her ADHD symptoms as a child, such as sensory input, improved impulse/energy control and emotional regulation, and believes that this played a big part in her ADHD being undetected for so long.
Harriet is passionate about education and awareness surrounding ADHD and its co-existing conditions.  She has relational empathy and first-hand understanding based on her own experiences of staying undiagnosed until her early 20’s. 

It wasn’t until she had lost 7 different notebooks for 4 modules, constantly interrupted important silences or could never sit still (or on a chair!) that left her questioning if she was capable of doing her degree.  Harriet addressed these issues with her course tutor who listened to her concerns, recognised her symptoms, and said something about it!
Her previous tactics of overspending money, alcohol use and waiting for the last-minute adrenaline rush of deadlines to manage her symptoms, as well as sensory processing difficulties and difficulty communicating her needs, were finally acknowledged and understood for what they were.  Everything finally made sense to her – ADHD was the last piece of the puzzle!

Harriet then sought out an ADHD therapist to help her navigate and understand her own neurodiversity.  What followed was a lengthy and complex assessment journey eventually arriving at a diagnosis of ADHD Combined type.  Having gained a sense of empowerment and clarity, Harriet became eager to help others in similar situations.

Since her diagnosis, she has supported many individuals, including parents and students, who are considering or going through ADHD diagnosis whilst navigating education and the workplace. 

She also loves working with siblings of ADHD children and/or adults and helping them to better understand their neurodiverse brother or sister and improve their relationships.  Most recently, her interest in how ADHD can influence bereavement has also grown massively, once she noticed she responded very differently to those around her when it came to grief. 

Harriet has also delivered training about the experience of studying with ADHD to her University’s Academic and Disability teams.  She has since presented a short booklet on ADHD: Disability Awareness and Workplace Accommodations to a large company with thousands of recipients and has also been instrumental in starting a section for ‘Understanding ADHD’ for her University’s self-help section.



  • BA (Hons) Counselling & Therapeutic Practice (Level 6) – First Class Honours Awarded 2022
  • Childcare & Early Years Level 3 2019


Modules Studied & Passed

  • Working Creatively
  • Counselling Children and Young People (3 years)
  • Academic Skills for Practice – Focused Learning
  • Working Therapeutically with Older Adults
  • Integrative Practice (2 years)
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Online Counselling (video, telephone and email)



  • Understanding ADHD: Current Research & Practice – Kings College London
  • Creative Approaches to Therapeutic Communication
  • Therapy for Trauma-Related Guilt
  • Working Safely with your Client’s Inner Child
  • Is there a Hierarchy in Grief?
  • Introduction to Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy
  • Student Course Representative Training and Team Leadership