Lianne sees clients face-to-face in Solihull, B94
She also sees clients online
Lianne is a fully qualified, BACP registered psychotherapist. She has a 7 year old son awaiting imminent diagnosis of ADHD, and was herself diagnosed with combined ADHD in 2018, at the age of 43.
Throughout her school life and beyond, Lianne struggled to finish anything she started, despite being full of enthusiasm. In school reports, her ‘wasted potential’ was sadly lamented, and often she was entirely ‘in another world’ rather than present in the classroom. Having passed the 11+ exam, she suspects she may have been the only Grammar School pupil to leave with just 2 GCSEs – and then, at college, to pass only one out of three A-levels.
When passionate about a subject, Lianne excelled; but with topics that failed to stimulate her mind, she couldn’t seem to remain focused which she only now realises is typical of ADHD. She completed the initial year of an Occupational Therapy degree, the first term of a Psychology degree, the preliminary stages of becoming a Riding Instructor and the first two parts of Driving Instructor training …again typical ADHD – starting things but not finishing!
With too many jobs to count under her belt, and more than one mental health crisis during her twenties, she began receiving counselling – seeing a number of therapists over several years. Engaging with the process, she realised that counselling others might just be the career path for her. Sadly none of these counsellors realised her issues were being caused by undiagnosed ADHD.
Having thoroughly enjoyed her levels 2 and 3 in Counselling Skills and Studies, she decide to commence study for her Psychotherapy Foundation Degree in 2015 – and, having satisfied BACP requirements, joined their official register in 2019.
Following many years of struggle with her own undiagnosed ADHD, Lianne has genuine empathy and understanding for other adults who feel like a ‘square peg in a round hole’ and also understands well the mixed and complicated feelings that come with late diagnosis.
Lianne combines person-centred counselling with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). She is passionate about helping clients with a diagnosis of ADHD combined with ASD (Autism) as she understands the different challenges this dual diagnosis brings.
- Foundation Degree – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Counselling Skills Level 2 & 3
- NVQ Information, Advice & Guidance Level 3
- Drug Awareness NCFE
- Mentoring and Safeguarding in Education Certificate
- Vulnerable Adult Awareness
- Certificate in Understanding ADHD and ASD
- Child Protection Awareness

Lianne sees clients face-to-face in Solihull, B94
She also sees clients online
Lianne is a fully qualified, BACP registered psychotherapist. She has a 7 year old son awaiting imminent diagnosis of ADHD, and was herself diagnosed with combined ADHD in 2018, at the age of 43.
Throughout her school life and beyond, Lianne struggled to finish anything she started, despite being full of enthusiasm. In school reports, her ‘wasted potential’ was sadly lamented, and often she was entirely ‘in another world’ rather than present in the classroom. Having passed the 11+ exam, she suspects she may have been the only Grammar School pupil to leave with just 2 GCSEs – and then, at college, to pass only one out of three A-levels.
When passionate about a subject, Lianne excelled; but with topics that failed to stimulate her mind, she couldn’t seem to remain focused which she only now realises is typical of ADHD.
She completed the initial year of an Occupational Therapy degree, the first term of a Psychology degree, the preliminary stages of becoming a Riding Instructor and the first two parts of Driving Instructor training …again typical ADHD – starting things but not finishing!
With too many jobs to count under her belt, and more than one mental health crisis during her twenties, she began receiving counselling – seeing a number of therapists over several years. Engaging with the process, she realised that counselling others might just be the career path for her. Sadly none of these counsellors realised her issues were being caused by undiagnosed ADHD.
Having thoroughly enjoyed her levels 2 and 3 in Counselling Skills and Studies, she decide to commence study for her Psychotherapy Foundation Degree in 2015 – and, having satisfied BACP requirements, joined their official register in 2019.
Following many years of struggle with her own undiagnosed ADHD, Lianne has genuine empathy and understanding for other adults who feel like a ‘square peg in a round hole’ and also understands well the mixed and complicated feelings that come with late diagnosis.
Lianne combines person-centred counselling with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). She is passionate about helping clients with a diagnosis of ADHD combined with ASD (Autism) as she understands the different challenges this dual diagnosis brings.
- Foundation Degree – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Counselling Skills Level 2 & 3
- NVQ Information, Advice & Guidance Level 3
- Drug Awareness NCFE
- Mentoring and Safeguarding in Education Certificate
- Vulnerable Adult Awareness
- Certificate in Understanding ADHD and ASD
- Child Protection Awareness